Monday, September 29, 2008

A Mom's Thought on the Bailout

I've never been a very political person. I vote in the major elections and sometimes like a good social debate with a friend. That's about it. I have opinions on issues now and again, but nothing has gotten me as engaged as the current financial problems in our country. Call me simple, but I just can't comprehend that kind of money and the logic behind bailing out these companies. I understand that our country's economics revolve around Wall Street, and that the mortgage lenders and banks going under have a direct link to our abilities to access credit in the future.I realize the importance of being able to access credit . The ability to borrow money allows for business growth, it helps our farmers be able to thrive and can put a kid through school who might otherwise not have the chance. Credit can be good. What I don't understand is why these people have been allowed to pull the financial puppet strings, of almost every American, with seemingly no limitations. Credit doesn't help most of us anymore. By burying ourselves so far into debt, we have actually taken away our freedoms and the lenders have been laughing all the way to the bank. Until now.
The financial crisis is not new to our family. We've noticed it for years. Prices rising in the housing, automobile, and fuel markets. But it was all o.k. because as the prices increased so did the ability to get affordable financing. Funny coincidence isn't it? Take buying a car for example. We're inundated with commercials and news stories showing the importance of having a safe car. You do your research. You read the articles, surf the net and go to the dealership to find the safest car to fit your needs. You walk out of that dealership with a seven seat, gas guzzler with 6 airbags for somewhere in the $28,000 price range. You can't really afford it, but it's all good because you have financing. The banks make sure that you feel comfortable buying that car. The dealership makes money, the bank makes money and your in debt. Two years later the car isn't worth anything, your house isn't worth anything and it's getting harder to meet the bills. To make matters worse you have Suze Orman on the Today show telling you to stop buying your cup of coffee every morning because your in debt. As if we now deserve a punishment for buying into the American dream.
What angers me is that the banks, Wall Street and politicians have been feeding us this bait for their own financial gain. They wanted us to borrow money. That's what keeps them rich. Don't get me wrong, we're at fault as well. We were greedy too. But if I'm not getting a bailout why should they? If I'm going to have to give up my Starbucks as penance for my financial sins, why should I have to keep the people who got me into this mess free from consequence? The politicians are acting as if we should be the "better people" and "take one for the team". I don't think so . If I have to take responsibility for my own finances so should the big companies. I'm not getting a bailout and neither should they.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Safe Bottles for Baby

With all the news reports talking about the hazards of drinking from plastic bottles, how do you know what’s safe? Here are some tips to keeping your babies healthy when using bottles or toddler cups...
Do not use any bottles or cups with the numbers 3, 6, or 7 on the bottom. There are concerns that the chemical Bisphenol A or BPA may be ingested in harmful amounts. BPA is believed to mimic hormones in our bodies which may cause many health problems. More studies are being done to determine the actual safety of plastic drinking cups. In the meantime, better safe than sorry. Don’t use plastic liners in bottles. The soft plastic can leach chemicals, especially when heated.Use glass. Infants and babies who aren’t holding bottles yet can use glass.
Now, for all of us who have already been using plastic don't worry. The studies regarding the use of plastic bottles and cups are still inconclusive. Many of us have grown up eating and drinking from plastics and are fine. All we can do is take this new information and be cautious in the future.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Not All Hockey Moms Are Pit Bulls

Many are saying, thanks to the media’s obsession with Sarah Palin, that soccer moms are out and hockey moms are in. Seemingly overnight, being a hockey mom has become the newest trend. Hits for the term on the internet are soaring and a new stereotype is emerging. The preppy , minivan driving soccer mom has been replaced by the aggressive, loud, Suburban driving hockey moms. Are we all nuts? Do we need yet another category to differentiate ourselves from one another? Yes, I do have two kids that play hockey. They also play baseball, softball, gymnastics and even sometimes soccer. They even have some non-athletic interests like theater and music. I don’t drive a minivan, I hate getting up in the morning and I’ve been just as cold standing on a soccer field in November as a hockey rink in January. I know some hockey moms that work and some that don’t. Some that are loud and some that aren’t. Kids have activities and we as moms are responsible for supporting whatever dreams they have. Childhood activities should never be about a parents needs or wants. It should be about raising healthy, active, well rounded kids who have their own dreams and ambitions. My only role is to support and help them to achieve what they desire as human beings. My kids play hockey because they want to play hockey. It’s not “trendy” or “popular” just because the media wants it to be. We should never let ourselves be labeled as a hockey or soccer mom because at the end of the day our jobs as women deserve much more attention then that.